food storage frustrations—solved!


it’s only funny because it’s true. they might be hanging out with the mismatched socks in the dryer.


Whenever I work with a client across the wonderful Twin Cities metropolitan area, if it’s kitchen time, it’s guaranteed we are going to have a conversation about food storage issues.

There are going to be mismatched lids and bottoms, there are going to be seventeen different types of food storage containers, there are going to be containers from takeout places that aren’t even good but you felt like you had to keep them, there are definitely going to be Cool Whip containers from three Thanksgivings ago, there are going to be those teeny tiny sized ones that store like, three grapes total that somehow you feel obligated to keep (WHY do they even SELL them is a better question, who is using those? Smurfs? Did I just date myself by using a Smurfs reference? What am I even doing here right now!?)


The FIRST step in any kitchen with food storage issues (which, to be clear, is every single kitchen in Minneapolis + St. Paul) is to take out (see what I did there, it’s a food joke) EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF FOOD STORAGE in the kitchen. Every nook and cranny. Take ‘em out.


We are going to play a matching game now. Spread them alllll out on the counter and we are simply going to match lids and bottoms. Sort them any way you want to do this—but start to gather things of the same size in the same area, and then you can match up lids with bottoms. Stack ones that are exact matches together.

what to do with MISMATCHES

After you have matched up lids with bottoms, ANY bottoms without tops and tops without bottoms go to the side.

Now it’s time for me to break your heart—-we are going to say goodbye to those pieces. We are not going to say “well maybe I will find the top and it will still be useful” or any of the other 100 things people say—we are going to recycle them. We are declaring mismatch bankruptcy! Once they’re out of your house you won’t even remember them five minutes later.


Now that the mismatches are gone (they better be gone, I see you over there holding onto those JUST IN CASE, take them out to the recycling please!)—it’s time to make the hard decisions about what’s left.

Here are some things I want you to think about when you are deciding what to keep and what you no longer need:

  • What sizes do we actually use often?

  • What sizes do we never use?

  • Even if it’s the right size, is there a type of container that I don’t like to use/never use?

  • Is this a material I like (i.e., this is plastic but I prefer glass storage)?

  • Do I want my food storage to be uniform or do I care if there are a bunch of different types?

  • How much space do I have to store them, and what space do I want to devote to food storage…storage?

  • Do I actually hate all of these containers and I want something new altogether? (see below, “go with something new” for what we did in our kitchen)

With those decisions in mind—it’s time to decide what stays and what goes. I encourage you to BE RUTHLESS in this process—really think about what you actually need in your kitchen and the types of food storage that actually make sense to your family—and what is a manageable amount of containers to actually keep. You can donate containers that are clean and in good condition—just keep what really is good!

REORGANIZING YOUR TUPPERWARE (do we still call it that? we do, don’t we?)

Now it’s time to reorganize what you’ve decided to keep. I have a client who evangelizes putting the lids on top and stacking them—she swears it has changed her entire perspective on food storage (shout out LG for being awesome!) I have done that in a few houses where the storage area allows it and it is TRULY a great idea.

If you don’t have enough space to do that, I try to put all like sizes together, stacked neatly, with their lids as close to them as possible, in file folder fashion. An example here from my own kitchen—it’s easy to see exactly what sizes I have and where the lids are. It doesn’t have to look like a perfect Instagram photo—it has to function for your family!


One thing we did in our house is decide that we wanted to move to pretty standardized food storage. I went to Target and got a set of glass containers with awesome lids that click super securely. I also got a set of Rubbermaid Brilliance leakproof containers which aren’t glass, but the are microwave safe and BPA-free.

I decided that a small investment in new containers (it’s a super affordable thing to do!!) was what worked best for us, and I highly recommend it! With nicer containers, we actually treat leftovers better (like, actually USE them) and we also are better about keeping them matched up.

OK—you’re all set to go on your own food storage matching adventure. Or, if you live in Minnesota, and you just want me to do it for you, well—great news, I’d love to. Schedule a chat HERE!

Hi hi hi! I am Melissa, and I love my job—I’m a professional home organizer in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. I travel all around the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area (from end to end…and side to side) and beyond (like Iowa and Wisconsin!) clearing clutter from people’s homes. No matter where you’re starting—I can help you. We can declutter, organize, and give you systems to make sure you can keep it up once I’m gone.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary consultation with me to talk about how you can feel peace and happiness and no stress in your home!


Meet my friends at Meat & Potatoes Organizing in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul


no—my house isn’t perfect!